I am a researcher
My research is about the secure, reliable, and trustworthy application of machine learning and AI. I am also studying the application of machine learning to computer security, such as malware and fraud detection.
Feel free to contact me for questions or collaborations.
Ph.D. in Computer Science (With distinction), 2021
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
MSc in Computer Science (With distinction), 2013-2015
Universität Münster, Germany
BSc in Information Systems (Best graduate), 2010-2013
Universität Münster, Germany
Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) represent an inflection point in human’s history. The capability to solve even highly complex tasks allow incredible opportunities in various fields ranging from medicine over environmental protection and autonomous driving to computer security. Studying the ad billboards in San Francisco, AI is everywhere.
In the light of these far-reaching societal impacts, it is essential that we apply ML/AI in a secure, reliable and trustworthy way.
Unfortunately, these key aspects are not guaranteed per se. The application of ML/AI requires working at a highly delicate workflow where incorrect assumptions & subtle pitfalls can undermine the reliability & trustworthiness. Moreover, ML/AI systems show considerable vulnerabilities in face of attackers, allowing them e.g. to hide backdoors in a model or to control the classification only through input modifications. These attacks raise the question of how we can build secure systems that can withstand a malicious actor. If not dealt with, pitfalls & attacks will cause harm and delay advancements in academia and industry.
I have dedicated my research to secure, reliable and trustworthy ML/AI systems. I am studying attacks and defenses from a holistic viewpoint, that is, I consider the whole data workflow and varying data domains (images, text, code, malware, …). Furthermore, my research vision is to improve reliability by better understanding possible pitfalls and problems during the application of machine learning. Finally, I am using this knowledge to apply ML to computer security, such as for malware, fraud, or deepfake detection.
Membership in Program Committees / Conference Reviewing:
Journal Reviewing:
I have given several seminars, team projects, or lecture units on security and machine learning, privacy and machine learning, and multimedia security in the last years. I have also supervised several bachelor theses and master theses on these topics.
Currently, I am open to supervising theses or projects. If you are a student at RUB or at Berkeley, and you are interested in one of my research topics, feel free to contact me.
Contact me by email.